I mean, the day went better. I’m still pretty sick, though.
I did finally manage to write some words (almost 2,900), I started cleaning, and I recorded a podcast.
The podcast episode might be shortest I’ve ever done but then my voice was so bad that I couldn’t even do my usual singing warmup beforehand. The cough has gotten worse, and I had a headache all day so I’m guessing I did well.
My mother-in-law seems to have had an anxiety attack rather than something heart-related so that is good too.
I went to bed early again but not quite as early as the day before.
Today I want to finish the cleaning, write at least 3,000 words, and publish the podcast. I guess that will be enough. No exercise again because I’m still nursing that cold.
The cardigan I’m knitting is growing nicely, and turns my hands blue every time I work on it. Lovely.
As you can see my life is full of exciting things at the moment.
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