- As you might have noticed I haven’t been in the mood for communicating lately. Nothing bad, nothing serious, just a faint feeling of ennui with calling people on the phone, writing letters or e-mails, and meeting people
- I have also been in thinking mode but not the kind where I write blog posts about it
- I have been writing quite a bit, my 2012 NaNoWriMo-novel is just about finished, and I am currently working on a sequel
- I have started tidying and de-cluttering. So far I have sorted through all my spinning fiber, and straightened it (and found that I still won’t buy anything soon, bins are overflowing, and there is some fiber in the attic that I haven’t looked at for years), and I have gotten the antique spinning wheel in working order that I got 1 1/2 years ago.
- I have also de-cluttered the magazine holder in the kitchen, and found that I have unread magazines and comic books that I bought in August 2011! I am currently reading my way through one year’s worth of Green Lantern.
- I am rather happy not meeting people, and not going out. One factor is that I am teaching even more than before. There is barely an open slot in my schedule.
- I bought myself a hula hoop, and am currently re-learning how to use it. I have to wait for dryer weather, though, because I can only try it outside. There is no room in the house for it.
- I went to an endocrinologist because I was feeling under the weather all the time, and thought there was something wrong with me. She told me to take various vitamins and such, and now I’m feeling somewhat better.
- I just saw that I’ve been running at least once a week for 22 consecutive weeks now. This is after I had hurt my ankle so that I couldn’t run for months.
- Our son is about to get the grades that will determine which kind of school he can attend following fourth grade, and it is looking pretty good. Without any of us stressing out about it.
- I will now go back, and write more on my story. It’s starting to pick up speed.
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