Since I’m entirely too tired to post something coherent today, I’ll rather point you to places where you actually can hear me sing. These are tracks off my husband’s two CDs. You’ll have to be a little patient ‘though, he has a liking for loooong intros. Just wait the better part of a minute for the vocals to start!
The first three songs are off his album Othersight which we finished just in time before our son was born.
mindscape (here I’m magically doubled into two singers)
These are from his next album Unfold which was finished last year. Almost all the vocals were recorded during naptime!
The link to the song “unfold” is broken, so you can’t hear my tricky african backing vocals. I’ll point you there, when it’s fixed.
(Of course, all this is original material, all rights are Gary Winter’s, enjoy but don’t do anything else with it.)
P.S.: Here is the fixed link for the “tricky african backing vocals”:
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